Criteria followed in OPDs seletion for this Directory of OPDs
There are many Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in Bangladesh. They are also well-known as Disabled Peoples Organizations (OPDs). There are also hundreds of grassroots and village level Self Help Groups (SHGs) and general gropus across the country formed by OPDs and disability organizations .
This Directory of OPDs includes only the OPDs who have legal entity i.e. registered or applied for registrations from the concerned government authorities and have organizational structure such as government approved bylaws, vision, mission, General Board, Executive Boards, official setup, etc.
There are also many groups, who are in process of being OPDs, but they are not registered yet by any government authority, their vision, mission, bylaws, governing structure have not been established. In our consideration, those are not OPDs, they may be SHGs or informal groups. Therefore, we did not include them in this directory.
OPDs scenario might be changed and new OPDs may be emerged. This Web Directory of OPDs are being updated regularly.