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Disabled Peoples Organizations (OPDs) in Bangladesh

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National information resources

TurningPoint has compiled here some information resources from national level of Bangladesh useful for the OPDs, CBOs, national and international development organizations and relevant stakeholders.

Cover of the Perspective Plan of Bangladesh 2021-2041

Perspective Plan of Bangladesh 2021-2041

Making Vision 2041 a Reality: Perspective Plan of Bangladesh 2021-2041” is a genuine articulation of the government to transform the country from a lower middle income country to Upper Middle Income Country by 2031 and a high Income country by 2041 under World Bank Classification.

This publication is downloadable from this link.
8th Five year plan

The 8th Five Year Plan: July 2020 - June 2025

The 8th Five Year Plan for the period July 2020 - June 2025 is a national landmark policy document of the government to govern the development interventions in the public sector and provide direction to the overall national development for a period of 5 years of Bangladesh.

Download the 8th Five Year Plan (English)
Cover of the SDGs, Targets and Indications: Bangla version

SDGs, Targets and Indications: Bangla version

The Planning Division of the Bangladesh of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has translated into Bangla the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including its targets, indicators. The General Economic Division of the Planning Commission has translated aiming at involving all people of the country in achieving the SDGs in line with the country's plan.

This publication is downloadable from this link.
Cover of the Handbook on Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (in Bangla)

A group of individuals has initiated to set up the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh to contribute to the delivery of the SDGs and enhance accountability in its implementation process. They were encouraged by two features of SDGs - transformative and inclusive and remaining committed to implementing 2030 Agenda.

This publication is downloadable from this link.
Cover of the publication on the Situation analysis on children with disabilities in Bangladesh

Situation analysis on children with disabilities in Bangladesh

This report was commissioned by the UNICEF Bangladesh country office in conjunction with the Department of Social Services, Ministry of Social Welfare. It is a result of collaboration between many individuals and groups.
This Situation Analysis is grounded on the conviction that all children should be equally valued, as advocated in the UNCRPD.

This publication is downloadable from this link.
Cover of the Bangladesh Sample Vital Statistics 2017

Bangladesh Sample Vital Statistics 2017

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has started Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS) from 1980 to study the changes in the demographic scenarios of Bangladesh during the intercensal periods to meet the data requirements of the planners and policy makers. Collected data include household and household population characteristics, birth, death, migration, marriage, disability, HIV/AIDS, contraceptive usem, etc.

This publication is downloadable from this link.