A comparison between Disability Organizations and OPDs
It is important to note that all OPDs are disability focused organizations, but all disability focused organizations are not OPDs. A comparison between Disability Organizations and OPDs as below:
Topic | Disability Organizations | OPDs |
Vision | Promote inclusion of persons with disabilities | Promote inclusion of persons with disabilities |
Focus | Focus on 'disability' | Focus on 'persons with disabilities' |
Obligation of participation | As focus on 'disability' i.e. on issue or subject, so less obligation on active participation; even less participation is seen in practice | As focus first on 'person', so there are obligations on meaningful and active participation of persons with disabilities |
Level of participation | In the most cases, persons with disabilities are bottom-line beneficiaries only | Persons with disabilities participate at all level from top to bottom |
Gender | Less or no leadership and participation of women with disabilities. | Leadership and participation of women with disabilities are increasing in most of the OPDs |
Leadership | Most are persons without disabilities and very few persons with disabilities in leadership | All or most are persons with disabilities in leadership |
Excellence or superiority | Disability inclusion is the best approach, when persons with disabilities have sufficient scopes to utilize potentials and skills, proper evaluation, recognition, equal participation in leadership | OPDs movement is the best approach to promote equal rights and inclusion as well for monitoring in real life |
Working approach | Much talks on twin-track approaches, which includes rights and rehabilitation (special services). However, more interests in rehabilitation services. Besides, there is thoughtless use of the word 'Rehabilitation'. For instance, sometimes even giving a job to a person with disabilities is claimed as rehabilitation | Talks about rights of persons with disabilities and there are right use of words 'habilitation' and 'rehabilitation', as a part of rights. For instance, if anyone becomes disabled in later life, bringing back to his or her previous situation are considered as rehabilitation. Getting a job is a right. |
Overall roles | Disability organizations are role models for diversity and inclusion | OPDs are vehicles to facilitate diversity and inclusion |
Supporters among the persons with disabilities | Many of persons with disabilities support, who have got their expected evaluation and proper recognitions. In other words, who have been benefited and got leadership opportunities | Persons with disabilities, who were involved in inclusion movement but did not get expected recognition or benefits; some of them get involved in OPDs movement |
Budget and expenditure | Generally big budget and expenditures and comparatively a little portion reach to the persons with disabilities | Little budget and expenditures. As persons with disabilities participate at all level, if the leaderships are transparent and accountable, the major portion reach to them |
Nota bene: The above comparisons are not from any source. These are based on practical experience of the persons with disabilities involved with Turning Point Foundation, Bangladesh. These are being reviewed and revised following consultations with persons with disabilities, OPDs, Disability Organizations and relevant stakeholders.